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English Recovery Project (LAN, WAN Networks) (Point to Point Connection)

Posted by abcde efghij klmnño pqrstuvwxyz On 12:43 p. m. 0 comentarios


Miguel Camilo Gutiérrez Ruiz

SENA – IFET Colsubsidio
Technical Maintenance of Computer Equipment
English Area


Recovery work to pass the area of English

Acesor of Area:

SENA – IFET Colsubsidio
Technical Maintenance of Computer Equipment
English Area


Computer networks are a complex system of communication between teams of local information and global level, so the importance of research on them. This work is done in order to get to know different aspects of two of the most important types of global networks and then we will see an easy practical method to connect two computers to each other.


2.                       COMPUTERS NETWORK
3.                       LAN NETWORK.
              3.1   Point to Point Connection.
               3.1.1     Hardware Configuratión.
               3.1.2     Software Configuratión.
4.                       WAN NETWORK.
              4.1   Constitutión of the Network WAN.
                     4.2   Characteristics.
                     4.3   Physical Components.
                     4.4   Types of WAN Networks.
5.                      BIBLIOGRAPHY.


Also called (network of computers or Computer Network) is a set of equipment connected by cables, signals, waves or any other method of transport of data, which share information (Computer) resources (CD-ROM and printers) and services (Internet, E-mail or Games).
It is also a set of technical means to allow the connection to distance of autonomous equipment. Normally tries to transmit data of Audio and Video by electromagnetic waves through various means such as air, the fillet, by cables of copper or fiber optic cables.


Is the symbol of Local Area Network. A LAN is a network that connects several computers in a relatively small area and default and physically is limited to an extension of 200 meters. The most known is in personal computers and workstations as Offices or factories.
The term Local Network includes both the Hardware as the necessary Software for the interconnection of the various devices and the treatment of information.

3.1 Point to Point Connection.

The networks point noted relate to a type of Network Architecture, in which every data channel, is used only to communicate two computers.
The devices in this network act as equal partners, or even among themselves, which means that each device can take the role of Slave or the role of Master.
The networks point to point are relatively easy to install and operate. As the networks grow, relations point to point it becomes more difficult to coordinate and operate. Its efficiency decreases as the number of teams in the network increases.

3.1.1     Hardware Configuración

The components necessary for the configuration of a connection point to point with structured wiring are:

Cable twisted 8 threads UTP, FTP or STP, a category 5, 5e, 6 or 7 coated with a protector of vinyl. In relation to the protection against interference electrical and magnetic, are the following options and cable characteristics:

-       UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair.
-       FTP: Foiled Twister Pair.
-       STP: Shielded Twister Pair.

The categories relate to the speed of transmission of data:

-       Category 5: CAT 5 Cable or STP for data (Speed 100 Mbps).
-       Category 5e: Cable UTO or STP for data (Speed 200 Mbps).
-       Category 6: CAT 5 Cable OR STP for data (Speed 1 Gbps).
-       Category 7: CAT 5 Cable OR STP for data (Speed 10 Gbps).

Connectors (RJ-45)

The wiring diagram of the pairs of cable and connector according to ISO/EIC 11801 and the American EIA / TIA 568.
ISO - International for Standardization Organization.
EIC - Electrotechnical International Commission.
EIA - Electronic Industries Alliance.
TIA - Telecommunications Industry Association.

Standard EIA/TIA 568-A

Standard EIA/TIA 568-B

TD: Data Transmition.
RD: Data Reception.

At one end mounts the standard EIA/TIA 568-A and the other standard EIA/TIA 568-B. this configuration is used to unite two teams directly through their respective Network cards.
Once assembled the cable, it should test to check the correct functioning. We can use a testator professional that tells us whether there are communication among Computers.
Urgent non-availability of a testator, we can test the cable connecting it to the network card. If both lights are lit means that the cable is prepared to operate, although it is not ensures that the cable yield to the maximum.

3.1.2     Software Configuración

a.    Click the Windows Start button and then on Control Panel.
b.    Within the control panel, click on the Network Connections icon.
c.    In the Network Tasks pane, click Create a New Connection to start the New Connection Wizard.
d.    In the initial window of the New Connection Wizard, click Next.
e.    In the window type you choose Network Connection Configure your home network or small office, and Click Next.
f.     Click Finish to complete the work of the New Connection Wizard and start the Network Setup Wizard, which runs automatically. Click Next.
g.    There are a number of conditions grouped under the name of Checklist for a network which must be verified. Once checked, click Next.
h.    In the Select Connection Method select the option This computer connects Internet through a residential gateway or another computer on my network Click Next.
i.      In the window Give this team a name and description you enter the Name and Description of the equipment in the text fields indicated. Click Next.
j.      Below is given a name to the working group. Click Next.
k.    If you want to share information and network printers, you check the option Enable File Sharing and Print in the File and Printer window, if desired, the next frame.
l.      In the window Ready to Apply Network Settings shows a summary of the information provided. Click Next.
m.   Then the wizard configures the computer.
n.    In the next window, select the option Use Network Setup Disk that I have Click Next.
o.    The next window shows steps to configure the network through the Disco, which is obvious since the configuration is being done manually.
p.    At the end of the wizard shows another summary of selected options, click Finish to complete the wizard.
q.    In the Network Connections window you can see the new connection, Right click on this icon and choose the Properties option.
r.     Now you can see the Properties window Local Area Connection and choose the Internet Protocol TCP / IP.
s.    In the Properties window of Internet Protocol TCP / IP will select the Use the Following IP Address and enter an address corresponding to the computer where you are, this address must be different from each computer on the Net. In Subnet Mask type its address to the network so it is the same address for all computers on the network OK to finish configuration.
t.      To verify that the connection works, click Start, then click the Run and run cmd.
u.    Cmd run a DOS window in which you type the ping command followed by the address of the other TEAM Network and press Enter. If there is a connection between the two teams will see a response

The links that interconnect the nodes of a peer network can be classified into three types according to the sense of carrying communications.
Simplex: The transaction is only performed one-way
Duplex: The transaction is done in two ways, but alternatively, only allowed to transmit at any given time and can not transmit both simultaneously.
Full Duplex: If the transaction can be carried out in both directions simultaneously.


Is a data communications network covering a relatively wide area, often used in the transmission facilities provided by common carriers such as telephone companies.

4.1 Constitutión of the Network WAN

The network consists of CWD (switching computers) interconnected by high-speed leased channels (For example, lines of 56 Kbit/s). Each ECD uses a protocol responsible for routing data correctly and to provide support computers and end user terminals connected thereto.
ETD support function is sometimes called the PAD (Packet Assembly / Disasembly-assembler / disassembler packages). For DTE, the DCE is a device that isolates the network. The network control center (RCC) is responsible for the efficiency and reliability of network operations.

4.2 Characterístics

The channels are generally provided by telephone companies, with a certain monthly fee if the lines are rented at a cost proportionate to the use if normal lines switched.
WAN structure tends to be more irregular, due to the need to connect multiple terminals, computers and switching centers. As the channels are rented monthly (at considerable cost), businesses and organizations that use them tend to keep them as busy as possible. To do this, often the channels "snake" for a given geographical area to connect to the ETD wherever they are. Because of that the topology of the WAN is usually more irregular.

4.3 Physical Components

Communications Line: physical media to connect a position with another for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data.
Transmission wires: In telephone communications is frequently used the term "peer" to describe the circuit that makes up a channel. One pair of wires used to transmit or receive data, and the other is the power return line.

4.4  Types of WAN Networks

ü  Circuit Switched: Networks in which to establish communication must make a call and when the connection is established, users have a direct link through the various network segments.
ü  Switched Post: In this type of network switch is usually a computer that is responsible for accepting traffic from computers and terminals connected to it. The computer looks at the address listed in the header of the message to the DTE should receive it. This technology enables you to record information to meet later. The user can delete, store, forward or reply to the message automatically.
ü  Packet Switched: In this type of network the user data is broken down into smaller pieces. These fragments or packages are inserted into the protocol and information traversing the network as independent entities.
ü  Connection Oriented Networks: These networks is the concept of multiplex channels and ports known as virtual circuit or channel, because the user seems to have a dedicated resource, when in fact they share with others because what happens is that serve traffic bursts from different users.
ü  No connection-oriented networks: Called datagrams, the Free State passed directly to data transfer mode. These networks do not provide acknowledgments, flow control and error recovery applicable to the entire network, although these functions if they exist for each particular link. An example of this type of network is the Internet.
ü  Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN): This network was originally designed for the use of voice and analog systems. The switching is the establishment of the connection agreement to have scored a number corresponding to the identification number of the destination



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